The Ksa engages in various forms of international collaboration, first and foremost because interest lies in building and exchanging knowledge and expertise with fellow regulators from other European jurisdictions. This helps us to increase our knowledge and keep up with new trends and developments in other countries. This in turn enables us to better fulfil our own regulatory duties
We actively work alongside other regulators in the Gambling Regulatory European Forum (GREF), and the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR). These partnerships are aimed at knowledge exchange. GREF focuses on various European jurisdictions and IAGR is a global organisation of gaming regulators. From June 2021 to June 2023, former Ksa chair René Jansen was chair of the board of GREF.
In addition to its involvement in international groups, the Ksa also cooperates bilaterally with foreign gambling regulators. This primarily takes place on an informal basis, but we also have partnership agreements with fellow regulators throughout Europe.